Sunday, June 1, 2008

Pinewood Visit & Memorial Day...

Well, I was able to make it into Pinewood again to see my former students! It was a blast because the weather was perfect and I was able to see almost all of my old kiddos. I love you guys! Remember, in a couple of years you can be Ava-sitters! ;)
Last weekend, we spent Memorial Day in Fairmont at Mark's grandma's house on the lake. Go figure that I remembered the camera, but left the battery for it at home in the charger. So no pics, but in a nutshell, Mary and I slaved away all weekend landscaping, and Mark and the guys played frisbee-golf, went on the kayak, played the Wii, and so on and so on. Luckily, they have hard working women who know how to turn dirt, watch kids and babies, and make a mean egg-bake. Thanks again Tonya and Meggie for playing Ava-mom #2! Now Mark and I are in the process of remulching our butterfly garden in the back, 40 bags and counting!

Mark and I are looking forward to going to Mark's cousin's wedding in WI this weekend, so Papa and Nana get to watch Ava for the WHOLE weekend! I am excited to have my first overnight break from motherhood because I know she is in good hands. Papa... easy on the accelerator! Oh, and here are a couple of pics of mom and I hiking with Ava in the woods behind her house; the blue bells were awesome!